Thank You!

Please note:   Beginning with tax year 2018, you no longer can claim un-reimbursed employee business expenses on your “Federal” return.   We are still calculating these amounts for those allowed to use them on their state returns.   We can still process previous years for amendments on federal returns 2017 and prior. Generally, you can amend taxes for the previous three years, and it is usually well worth the effort!

We appreciate your interest in using our service and look forward to serving you.

As you already know, our company specializes in computing the maximum government allowed per diem rates. Our service provides you with a detailed hard copy of your exact federal meal and incidental allowance, so there is no guesswork as to where the “magic number” comes from.

We do a TRUE calculation, taking your actual flight times into consideration. We don’t just do a rough work up of your layover cities. Our clients see exactly the rates and times were used to calculate each day of travel. Even more importantly, the IRS can see EXACTLY how the figures were derived!

Our service is ideal for pilots and flight attendants because we use only the meal and incidental portions of the published government rates. The computer program we have written takes into consideration the rules regarding the number of hours required for layovers, various daylight savings times around the world, adjustments necessary when crossing the international dateline and flight times. These are correctly applied to the proper layover city, including instances of multiple flight legs. If a rate for a city is not available, we check to see if a county rate is available rather than shorting you by giving you the “other” rate for non listed cities.

Our breakdown is to the minute, keeping with standard business practices in the airline industry, with the exception of your first and last leg of travel in which we use 3/4 partial days as required by law giving you the greatest tax savings possible.

Feedback from IRS employees has confirmed we have developed the best printout possible to accompany your tax data. We know how important it is to clear up any possible questions or problems before they have a chance to occur.

Wishing you Blue Skies,

Aundrea Reel
Pro-Diem, Inc.